Latest Update – 15/04/2020
Dear friends of Good Chemistry Brewing and The Good Measure,
Three weeks into the lockdown (and since we stopped home deliveries), we hope this finds you safe, well and staying healthy and sane. We wanted to offer an update, following lots of messages, emails and requests.
We’ve been heartened by everyone’s support, not just for our business, but what seems like across the Bristol brewing community. Thank you for continuing to buy local, drink Bristol, and support your local breweries. All of this means these businesses are more likely to come out of this in one piece.
When we closed our online shop three weeks ago it was with the hope that we might re-open it at some stage during this crisis, to give people another chance to buy our beer and show their support. It doesn’t look like this is something we’re now able to do.
We had more or less sold out of cans when we closed the webshop in March. This gave us a good boost going into this shutdown, but does mean we now don’t have any left to sell! Unlike a lot of the other local breweries, we have been using a mobile canning service since we moved to cans in October. They bring their canning line to GCHQ, set it up, run it with three members of staff, and we then work alongside them checking and packing the full, sealed cans as they come off the line. Although we had a canning slot booked for the end of March, by that point government guidance was clear that we should all be maintaining a safe distance from each other, limiting unnecessary travel and staying home wherever possible. We didn’t feel there was a way to meet this guidance and still safely can our beer using an external team of canners.
We therefore don’t intend to can any more beer for the foreseeable future, and so aren’t able to replenish our stock.
We’re looking at other ways we can get our beer out to you, but haven’t found a solution we’re happy with.
Sorry to disappoint, we’re as gutted as you are that we can’t keep the Kokomo (et al!) party going in lockdown, but we’re doing everything we can to keep our businesses and our teams safe. Hope you’re all doing the same and we look forward to getting back into it just as soon as we’re allowed.
Take care, stay safe, stay home, and we hope to see you very soon.
Kelly & Bob