We are super-excited to be heading to Elusive Brewing on Wednesday 8th March, a month before International Women’s Day, for an IWD collaboration brewday!
And more than that – it’s also Elusive’s annual IWD Home Brew Project – women home-brewers we want you!*
In partnership with Ruth, manging director of Elusive, and Joanna, co-owner of The Malt Miller, Kelly will be joining Sarah from hop merchants BarthHaas X and another Sarah from yeast wranglers Lallemand Brewing to brew up something really special for International Women’s Day 2023. And we want you to get involved and brew your own version at home too. This year’s International Women’s Day Collaboration Brew is a mouth-watering Oatmeal Stout named NO TRUE MEASURE. No True Measure will be smooth in body and dark in colour with roasted notes on the finish and is a tribute to the women who have changed the game in brewing, and those who continue to do so.
We’ll be brewing our IWD Collaboration at Elusive in Berkshire ahead of International Women’s Day and would love for you to grab a kit from The Malt Miller and brew along with us, either using the recipe as it is or channelling your passion and ingenuity to make it your own. This recipe kit has been specially formulated to be flexible – tweak the recipe for a stronger ABV or enhance your home version with lively additions: ground coffee, chocolate, coconut, fruit flavourings – the world is your oyster!
Once you’ve brewed your beer we’d love you to join us at a special home brew bottle share on Saturday 11th March at The Good Measure, our pub in north Bristol. At the event you’ll be able to chat to other women home brewers, try each others beers, get some hints and tips from The Malt Miller team and hopefully make some new friends too. You’ll also be able to try our full scale version of No True Measure as brewed by Ruth, Kelly and the rest of the team. If you don’t feel confident brewing the beer but still want to come along and find out more please do – the home brewing community is a really welcoming one and this will be a great way to find out how to get started. She Drinks Beer, our regular evening at the pub for women who enjoy beer, is also the previous Tuesday to this, so you can kick-start your IWD celebrations with us then!
No True Measure Home Brew Kits are online at The Malt Miller now – click here to get yours and happy brewing!
*You don’t have to be a woman to get involved and show solidarity with the women who work in beer, brew it at home or love drinking it – this project is open to all and we’d love to see as many people celebrating International Women’s Day with us as possible.